Algorithm design

time and cost


Our services

Can your company use an extra hand on some challenging algorithms? Mathness designs and implements advanced algorithms. To increase the speed of software algorithms, we reformulate the computations that need to be done. Designing a solution is easy. The art is in designing a fast/robust/accurate solution.

We solve challenges that keep technical leaders awake at night.

We accelerated projects in following companies:

Joram has been an important factor in the success of the project. The combination of his strong analytical and mathematical skills on one side, and his result oriented approach and persistence drove the project forward. Thanks!

Filip Dehing

Managing Director

Another case study

Case study: production machine

In a production machine, the goal was to implement a well known learning algorithm. This algorithm increased the production speed up to a well known boundary. At our own initiative, we designed and implemented an additional algorithm which showed how the machine should be adapted to increase the speed boundary. This algorithm substituted upcoming expensive experiments.

Case study: displacement mechanism

In a complex displacement mechanism, the goal was to design and implement an algorithm to drive all actuators. The way we constructed the algorithm additionally suggested how the mechanism could be improved. Our advice substituted the announced purchase of expensive dedicated software.

Case study: millions of combinations

A telecommunication company implemented an algorithm (to split, recombine and transmit data) that obeyed a simple set of rules. Due to an interaction of these rules, the algorithm had millions of possible states. By structuring all the possible states, Mathness created a helicopter view. This enabled the test engineers to get a firm grip on the complexity of the algorithm.

Understanding the application

Even though our developers cannot be an expert in every field in which their solution is applied, they are capable of quickly learning the basics. Whether the application is from mechanical engineering, process engineering, automation, logistics, telecommunication or any other branch of industry, our developers will quickly become a valid sparring partner. Complexity is our thing. Together with the technical excellence of a technical leader, we solve problems that were deemed impossible.

If innovative algorithms might be beneficial to your success,
the mathness folks would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out to them.
Send an email to

Joram Rosseels
Mathness BV
2580 Putte, Belgium